Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can Ron Paul be put on the November ballet as an Independent if he doesn't get the Republican N

Yes, it's possible but not likely. Ron Paul would have to go to each state and abide by the balloting rules of each particular state. Which in many involves a certain sum of many as well as 10,000 plus signatures. In most states the signatures to place someone on the ballott as an independant must come from registered voters who have not voted in a primary. As most of Ron Pauls supporters have already vote for him in the primary, it's unlikely he would be able to gain enough signatures to gain access to the ballott as an independant.

Can Ron Paul be put on the November ballet as an Independent if he doesn't get the Republican Nomination?movie theater

Yep!! I love him, I think he is our last chance. People need to do more reading to see why.

Can Ron Paul be put on the November ballet as an Independent if he doesn't get the Republican Nomination?tickets opera theater

What is about people who get all involved with politicians and think that they are the next coming of the messiah. Paul is a politician who pushes peoples buttons to have them go out and push his agenda, like a cult leader does. This guy has absolutely no chance of being elected and a good election for him would be 3% of the vote. So you are wasting your time trying to convince people that this the guy for America. I wonder what percentage of the population has this complusion to be goofy during elections? 3% I guess. Paul panders to people's obssessions just like HIllie and Obie do trying to manipulate. Its like the hare krishnas, man.
He could. A lot of conservatives are unhappy with McCain as the candidate.
Good idea; there's always a load of people who vote to "Make a Statement" and thereby divert a gang of votes away from their party and guarantee the Dems a victory.
Well, with a McCain Huckabee ticket, I believe that the Republican party will split like 1912, especially if Obama gets the Democratic nomination. The only reasons most conservatives will vote for McCain is to keep Hillary out of office.

(when you cast your vote next Tuesday, keep in mind that a vote for Obama basically guarantees that the democrats get in office next year.)

For those reasons, if Ron Paul does decide to run on the Constitution/Libertarian party tickets, I guarentee that he will get MANY conservative votes, if it's McCain vs Obama.
Sure he can; but I think he said he wouldn't run as an independent when he announced he would seek the GOP nomination. I guess that wouldn't be the worst lie a politician ever told should he decide to run anyway, but you can be sure it would be used against him bigtime.

It wouldn't cost him my vote, but another third party candidate with more consistent ethic positions might. (Consistent ethic means supporting nonlethal ways of dealing with crime, unwanted pregnancy and national defence. See .)
Yes, I believe it is possible for him to get on the ballot as an independent---Nader has been a factor in the past and he has got ballot access.----If the funding is there I believe Paul would run on an independent ticket.
yes he can.

but will he

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