Saturday, December 5, 2009

Am I too old to go professional in ballet?

I have been dancing for 16 years now. I am a very serious student but have been too scared to audition...I am wondering now at the age of 21 if I am too old to audition for a company?

Am I too old to go professional in ballet?mr messed up

No, you are not too old but don't think you are gonna be handed the Prima Donna position either. You will end up working harder for the audition because of your fear. What are you so afraid of? If you are that serious a student then you need to step back and think about how you really feel,if you really want to make the commitment and if you are dedicated and disciplined enough to handle the pressure of going professional. Focus on your goal and don't hesitate to go forward. Otherwise, you will never know your full potential.

Am I too old to go professional in ballet?getting late opera theaterBreak a Leg and your very welcome! Report It

NO! 21 actually isn't that old. I know some people who became serious about ballet in their 30s so go for it!!!!

It doesn't sound too old to me. Go for it. You have nothing to lose and you won't have any regrets. Just do what you need to do in order to prepare and try. If you fail then you will have gained a lot from the experience I'm sure. If you succeed..... :-) Best of luck to you.
no, its not too late

good luck!
No not at all.

It's never too late.
perfect age
go for it, the more auditions you attend, the better. different companies look for different things in a dancer. so, if one or two say that they don't need what you're offering, or that they want younger dancers, that's okay, you can go try out somewhere else. good luck!

Also, what I do with my dance exams is, I remind myself that the examiners aren't looking for a reason for me to fail, they're just there to enjoy my performance. And, they're someone's grandma so how terrifying can they really be? Maybe if you do that with your audition panels, you won't be nervous. Enjoy!
It depends on what company you will be auditioning for. If is is a big company like some in France, then yes you are too old to start now. If it is a smaller local company then you are not old enough. If this is a big company then you may make it in, but won't instantly become a prima ballerina.

What ever you do, good luck!
If you were any good you should be been dancing professional 3-4 years ago. You should also have been pushed by your dance school teachers.

I'd say try to audition for as many companies as possible, but prepare to be disappointed due to your age and apparent lack of confidence. I hope your talent level is REALLY high.... 21 is really old to start in the pro ballet world.
Thats like the most perfect age ever to become professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're at you PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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