Saturday, December 5, 2009

Should we have a none of the above ballet to see if America's even want to be lead by any of th

have been offered to us? The leader of a country should at least have half of the country's people wanting to be lead by a leader and not just have to pick from a few that are offered. But what choice do we have if it has to be one of them? What if no one likes any of them and are just voting for the least of all evils out of them all? Like would yopu rather be torchered one way or the other! Myself, I don't want to be screwed at all. I want to be offered better chioces of leaders! With more than money on their minds or wars, that offer us the people something like solving our problems and not the problems of people who are already Rich! How many houses do they need when most people don't have one?

Should we have a none of the above ballet to see if America's even want to be lead by any of the people that -classical music

I think we should...especially if the only options we have are Obama, Clinton, and McCain.

Should we have a none of the above ballet to see if America's even want to be lead by any of the people that -ms stress opera theater

I appreciate your frustration and I hear this a lot. And I agree that since our government is usually run by politicians; the problem will continue in the future. But as they need to put up or shut up. My grandpa always complains about politics (he refers to everyone in DC as "them-sums-a-b****es), yet he never votes. What you're saying is we should have better choices; so have you ever found someone you supported? If so, did you campaign for him or her? If you haven't found that ideal candidate, why have you not run for office yourself?

I do have to say....this is the first year I am voting FOR a candidate instead of against someone else (as I did in 2004). Whether or not she gets the nomination will determine how I feel in the general, for if Obama is the nominee, my vote for him would likely be more about preventing McCain from taking office. That's why I'm volunteering for her campaign.

If you're unhappy about your options, get out there and make a difference!

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